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Dakota Dunes Businessman Appointed To South Dakota Senate

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Gov. Dennis Daugaard has appointed Dakota Dunes businessman William Shorma to a vacant seat in the South Dakota Senate.

Shorma will succeed Dan Lederman, who resigned earlier this year in District 16. Shorma will serve the remainder of Lederman’s term, which expires after the 2016 general election.

Shorma grew up farming and ranching and working in his family’s businesses in Wahpeton, North Dakota. He has worked at family businesses in Yankton and currently is CEO of one in Springfield.

Daugaard says Shorma learned the value of hard work from an entrepreneurial family, and also has given back to his community.

Shorma also is a former director of the Board of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, and has served as chairman of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry.