Blogger hits fitness rut, overcomes laziness
2 mins read

Blogger hits fitness rut, overcomes laziness

My steady adventure into exercise through Blackout Bingo at the Wellness Center was stalled last week, and I don’t even have a good reason besides laziness.

The smell of everyone’s pumpkin lattes in the air made me want to curl up by a fireplace and nap like a cat for the rest of the semester. Each night I went to bed saying I would try a new class the next day.

By the time classes were over in the afternoon, I had convinced myself that the pure act of waking up and going to class was a victory. I thought, “The Wellness Center can wait.”

And wait it did.

So, what do you do when you hit a work-out wall?

All of the different classes I am trying at the Wellness Center are targeting different muscles in my body. I know this is a good thing, but sometimes I correlate the muscle aches to a lack of energy.

To make up for this energy, I drink a lot of caffeinated beverages and eat more food. I’m starting to realize there needs to be a balance between working out and the type of food/drinks I consume. At the grocery store over the weekend, I wasn’t messing around. I probably bought enough vegetables for everyone who reads this article.

I didn’t want to completely disappoint everyone, though, and by the end of last week I forced myself to go to two Zumba classes.

My new solution – every time I hit a work out rut, I’ll go to a Zumba class. There’s no better way to burn some calories while having a great time. The first class I went to one I was completely lost and felt really embarrassed. The best part, though, is that everyone’s having too much fun to worry about anyone else. After a couple of Zumba classes, I feel right at home.

Each time I go to a workout class, I see someone new. It’s an awesome time to start working out and I hope to see you there soon.