Body cameras used by VPD, UPD protect students, police officers
The increased use of body cameras by police officers is on the rise across the nation.
Both the University Police Department and the Vermillion Police Department have body cameras and are putting them to use. With issues of police brutality and violence against police officers frequently in the news, these body cameras can help protect both students and officers.
Both UPD and VPD officers interact with students on- and off- campus. These interactions are mostly cordial in nature and some stops will, at most, result in a ticket. In the event of a bigger incident, one where an investigation must be conducted, these body cameras can serve a valuable function.
For example, a typical night on patrol can get interesting if an officer encounters an inebriated college student trying to find his or her way home. If the student decides to start acting violently, the officer can step in and take the proper action while having video of everything that happened.
This provides an accurate account of the situation which can later be reviewed. The student also can’t lodge any false accusations against the officer because there is visual proof of the incident on video.
Similarly, if the officer acts outside of his or her authority, there is now visual proof of the incident which can be used to discipline the officer.
These body cameras can also serve as training tools. Using video from previous incidents, officers can rewatch the footage and learn what they did correctly in the situation and what they could do differently in future situations.
Although technology is a great tool, it can still fail. Officers should still practice good written documentation in case of problems with the camera, and the basics of what makes an excellent police officer should not be forgotten. It doesn’t matter how many tools an officer is equipped with, the effectiveness of an officer on duty and how well they serve a community goes back to proper training and conduct guidelines.
Having access to body cameras can make a major difference for officers in their interactions with citizens, and it’s great that they’re being used right here in Vermillion.