More candidates in debate better for political process
2 mins read

More candidates in debate better for political process

For individuals to achieve enlightened judgement, they must consider facts and opinions from all sources, regardless of whether or not their statements are true or socially acceptable.

We have to hear everyone’s opinions to know what is right and wrong, and to know what we believe in.

This theory was presented by 17th century philosopher John Stuart Mill, and holds true today, particularly in the political realm.

It is because of Mill’s theory that all presidential candidates should be allowed to be on the main stage of the presidential debates.

Having more candidates on stage increases the number of ideas transmitted to audience members. This forces audiences to consider these opinions, regardless of how true or socially unacceptable they are.

Chris Christie told CBS on “Face the Nation” that the Black Lives Matter group is “calling for the murder of police officers.”

While this statement is blatantly false, it does force us to process the statement and reach a conclusion regarding the BLM movement. After examination, it is easy to see that BLM is not endorsing the murder of police, but is fighting for racial justice.

Christie’s statement helps individuals know what is right, by figuring out what is wrong.

Letting all candidates on stage also increases political discourse.

Increasing the number of competitors forces candidates to speak better and have more developed policy statements.

In a hypothetical situation, Chris Christie could have a very reasonable, logical immigration plan.

Christie’s hypothetical plan could force a major player like Marco Rubio to create a more developed plan, in order to appear up to par when compared to the other candidates.

Forcing candidates to develop their ideas more fully gives voters a better idea of who the candidates really are. Trump’s tax and immigration plan both stand as evidence to this theory since these plans reveal a lot about Trump as a candidate, as well as a person.

Allowing all candidates on stage helps voters figure out what is right and wrong, and increases political discourse. In order to create a more informed society, all candidates should be allowed to debate on the main stage.