Students should be aware of world issues
3 mins read

Students should be aware of world issues

In all honesty, I used to hide from the news.

I would stop anyone from speaking to me about the negative issues going on in the world unless it was something that was absolutely vital.

However, in the past few years I realized I was going about this all wrong. I need to be aware of issues going on in the world, and so does everyone else.

Plain and simple, the world can be a scary place. Some people may not get afraid and have faith in our government and allies when it comes to large global issues.

While I still have this faith, I can’t help but feel unsafe at times of uncertainty.

However, I’ve learned that this feeling can in turn do something good.

Despite the sadness and the fear some of us get from hearing about tragedies in the world, these emotions can lead us toward empowering ourselves to help those suffering through these tragedies in any way we can. This has been demonstrated recently.

The terrorist attacks in Paris which 130 people were killed have caused heartbreak among many.

Families and friends are in mourning, France is terrified and other countries are struggling to deal with this as well. While everyone who is aware of this issue is trying to cope with the fact that this is happening, they are still showing support to France in any way they can.

The Red Cross Association, Secours Catholique Caritas France, a relief group in France that assists during crises, Secours Populaire Francais, a group that provides material assistance in emergencies, and Friends of Fondation de France, Inc., have been given many donations during this time of need.

Candlelight ceremonies have been held in France and many other countries in order to honor those lives that were lost in the tragedy.

Social media has also played a huge role. Hashtags have been created on Twitter or people have been changing their profile pictures on Facebook with an overlay of the French flag to show their support.

In times of crisis, people need faith and they need others to believe that they will make it through.

If I was unaware of the events going on in society, I would never be able to give support to those in need. I’d live a more sheltered life, one that would always consist of being afraid of the world, and that isn’t the way to live.

That simply isn’t living at all.

While it’s a devastating reality that cruel events happen in our world everyday, the more we know, the more we can acknowledge, and the more people will stand together.

So, instead of being afraid of what’s going on in our world like I once was, be more afraid of not knowing, for you won’t be able to make the difference that you have the potential to.