Oscars boycott sheds light on racial bias in entertainment
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Oscars boycott sheds light on racial bias in entertainment

In spite of the recent events concerning the boycott of the Oscars, I’ve noticed many people are offended at the thought of people of color taking a stand against their lack of representation.

For the second year in a row, all acting nominees of the Oscars are white.

But, again, there are people who are upset and angry because they feel the boycott is “racist against whites,” or “unfair.”

This doesn’t really make sense, because while the awards show may or may not be rigged, it still only has nominations for white actors and actresses, and others see no problem with this.

To see people who are of color work hard throughout an entire year, producing movies like “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” “Straight Outta Compton” or “Concussion,” the whole concept of “maybe colored people didn’t make promising movies” or “maybe they didn’t deserve it” really sets the bar for major discrimination and racism.

I can relate to this, frankly, because I’m half black. Lack of representation has been my entire life, especially coming to a school with a low level of racial diversity.

People keep asking why the boycott means so much, and the answer is quite simple: it’s getting old.

It gets old seeing white celebrities, albeit their movies do well and are fantastic, being praised for their hard work, when people of color do just as wonderful movies and get no recognition, or even a nomination.

Award shows have never been my forte, particularly for this reason. One can only imagine what it’s like being a black or Asian or Latino or Native American or any other race besides white, being a promising actor, and never even getting credit for it.

And those white celebrities calling out the boycotting celebrities and claiming “better luck next year,” have absolutely no say in this. Because while they’re nominated for their hard work, the constant struggle of recognition is so prominent with the celebrities of color, who get nothing out of their movies and their jobs.

The privilege is obvious when nominated white celebrities say things like this, as if they have any idea what it feels like to be overshadowed.
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It’s wonderful and really disheartening at the same time that this is the measure celebrities of color have had to take to raise their voices. They are boycotting to be represented, and if the awards shows weren’t so biased in the first place, it wouldn’t have to be this way.

It’s wonderful, however, because it shows that, yes, it’s getting old watching only white celebrities being awarded for their movies.

So, the offended people who are taking this boycott as a means of being childish or bad tempered, it’s not hard to be educated on the subject. Think about doing something equally as well as another person for many years and being ignored, or even worse, disregarded.

It hurts and it’s unfair. The boycotting of the Oscars will definitely shed some light on the racist and discriminatory tendencies in the entertainment industry.