College campuses need strict gun policies
On Aug. 1, 2016, a new law in Texas was passed that allows college students to legally take their guns into campus buildings, whether they’re in a four-year university or a two-year junior college.
Permitting guns in the high stress environment of college is a dangerous decision and it can lead to possibly deadly situations. USD should maintain strict gun policies so the chances of people misusing a firearm on campus are minimized.
College is a high-stress environment.
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The American College Health Association found that in 2015, 34 percent of college students reported feeling so depressed that it was hard to function. Another 38 percent reported feeling uncontrollably angry.
Adding guns to the highly emotional environment of college can lead to students seriously hurting others and even themselves. If a student is allowed a gun on campus and suddenly becomes incredibly angry over schoolwork or personal issues, this could lead to a frustrated outburst with a firearm in hand. Another possible situation is if a student becomes incredibly depressed and has easy access to a gun to commit suicide.
The law in Texas that allows students to bring concealed weapons on campus does give colleges the ability to create safe areas where concealed weapons are still prohibited. Also, not every student is liable to make rash decisions that could lead to someone getting hurt or killed by a firearm.
There’s always a possibility, however, that this law will encourage easier gun access for students who don’t even own a personal firearm.
The current weapon policy at USD is a good example of how colleges should approach the issue of guns on campus. According to the South Dakota Board of Regents, no concealed firearms are allowed on college property, on campus or in a building.
But for those who want a gun for personal reasons, such as going hunting without having to go all the way back home to get a rifle, the University Police Department is able to securely store a gun as long as the individual goes through the necessary steps to submit it.
This policy ensures that students won’t have their guns stolen. And if for whatever reason their judgement is impaired, either by alcohol or unstable emotions, they won’t have easy access to a firearm.
However, one flaw in the system is that students are still able to keep their personal firearms in their vehicles. This situation can be dangerous because it’s still possible for someone to steal a gun from a vehicle and use it irresponsibly.
The policy should be changed or improved so students living on campus clearly inform the college if they brought a gun and offer firearm safety workshops for all students.
In the end, someone coming onto campus with a gun intending to hurt people is always a possibility, regardless of how strict gun policies are. Hopefully such strict policies will at least lessen the chance that somebody will be hurt by a firearm on campus.