Vermillion Family Planning Center shuts down over summer
Due to lack of funding, the Vermillion Family Planning Center was shut down over the summer.
Senior Jody Vanden Hoek said she’s not sure many people knew about the clinic when it was here, and only knew about it because she received their business card.
“I’m not sure what their services all include, but the card said STD testing, so I know they do that,” Vanden Hoek said.
Although the Family Planning clinic has closed, the services they offered can still be found in Vermillion. The Sanford Health clinic provides all of the same services, and students can use their student health insurance for
discounted prices.
Rachel Olsen, the director for student health services, said the services Sanford Student Health offers aren’t much different.
“The prices will be quite similar, because they are based on a state set fee schedule. The prices are different per person, due to the fact that it is based on income and family size, also poverty,” she said. “University students can utilize their student health and get these services at a discounted price that is very similar to those that family planning offered. There are many options for students to receive services at discounted prices or even free. On Oct. 19, we are hosting a free STD clinic in the MUC with the USD Nursing program.”
The clinic might also offer these services at a more convenient level, due to the fact that when the Family Planning clinic was open and operating, they had very
limited hours.
“Family Planning also saw a decrease in students using the clinic’s services,” Olsen said. “This could be due to ACA insurance, where students are able to get contraception for free.”
Although the hours are seemingly more convenient for busy college students, the location seems like a bit of an inconvenience to some. A transfer student from South Dakota State University, Megan Egan, who wasn’t aware of the clinic’s existence, said it seems inopportune.
“SDSU had a planned parenthood as a separate section of their wellness center clinic. I had no idea that the Family Planning clinic closed over the summer, but that seems inconvenient for a college town,” Egan said.
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“A lot of universities offer those services not only for free, but also at an extremely convenient location on campus
for students.”
The nearest family planning clinic is located at Sanford Health Midtown Clinic in Sioux Falls.