SGA discusses bylaws, writes phrases on construction paper at weekly meeting
At the most recent Student Government Association meeting, a senate bill to amend the constitution and bylaws of SGA to make the governing body more inclusive and the concern of students smoking on campus was discussed.
The senate bill to amend the constitution and bylaws to make SGA more inclusive was very rapidly discussed. Senators were concerned with changing pronouns in their official documents from “his” or “hers” to “their.” It was brought to the senators attention by at-large senator John Slunecka that the use of the word “their” might not be grammatically correct, and the Internal Review will be spending the next few weeks to correct their grammar while making their documents more inclusive.
At-large Senator Teagan McNary said that she had received a complaint about someone smoking behind the Munster University Center. The senators then discussed the importance of the “no smoking” signs around campus, and ultimately decided that putting up more signs would not stop students from smoking across campus. President Nathaniel Steinlicht said that the Student Government Association could reach out to the University Police Department to better enforce no smoking regulations during the day.
Senators finished off their meeting by writing inspirational phrases on construction paper to decorate their office windows with.