Students, family celebrate life with Dakotathon kick-off

April 23, 3:30 p.m. With Dakotathon in full swing, participants arrived at the Wellness Center just before 3:30 p.m. The Miracle children and dancers played games sporadically while the organizers set up speakers on the basketball courts. Soon after, more than 200 participants learned another rendition of the miracle dance.  The newest addition included moves synchronized to “Barbie […]

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Coyote track and field team hosts first outdoor meet in brand new Lillibridge Track Complex

The first outdoor track meet at USD in 30 years was held yesterday at the Lillibridge Track Complex, which was completed earlier this year. With the premier of the new facility, energy at the USD Twilight meet was high among its Coyote track athletes. Sophomore Lindsay Joyce, who won the 1500, said the good weather and the […]

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Student activity fee increase put on hold in light of tuition freeze

Because of wariness from the South Dakota Board of Regents to allow an increased student activity fee in the same year that in-state tuition was frozen, USD’s General Activity Fee will not continue to rise as originally anticipated. SGA President Nathaniel Steinlicht said the reason for the SDBOR’s hesitation stemmed from the fact that they didn’t like the […]

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University sign vandalized, search for letters continues

The USD sign at the corner of Clark and Pine Streets on the southeast part of campus was vandalized this past weekend, losing nine of its letters. Tena Haraldson, director of Marketing Communications and University Relations, said she was told of the incident immediately Monday morning. This isn’t the first time this has occurred, she added. “I do […]

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