Everyone’s opinions should be heard and given thought
As I’ve grown older and divulged myself into the college setting, I’ve met many people. These people I’ve met hold strong opinions, ones in which they’re more than happy to share. These beliefs often range from politics to world events to social issues to sometimes even celebrity gossip, and each person often holds a belief […]
Legislators flip flop on S.D. teacher pay increase
Governor Dennis Daugaard’s plan to raise teacher pay is moving forward to the South Dakota Senate, after the bill initially failed by one vote in the House of Representatives last week. The half-cent sales tax hike passed a revote Monday 47-21, which hit the required two-thirds majority needed for tax hikes. “Thank you to the bipartisan […]
War against ISIS will be won by ideas, not bombs
The conflict with the so-called Islamic State or ISIS is complicated and nuanced. In the United States, we have little experience in our comparatively short history with fighting anything like the Islamic State. The Islamic State holds territory in the form of land, but it also holds territory in the minds of people. The territory […]
USD adds to pack of ‘Charlie Carts’
There’s a new set of wheels cruising around campus. The university invested more than $19,000 to add to its pack of “Charlie Carts,” which are used to transport prospective students around USD during tours. The USD Foundation and the university partnered to pay for the new golf cart. “It makes it unique when you come […]
Adviser embraces role as Living River Group chair
The Vermillion area Living River Group of the Sierra Club, an organization that works to protect the community, natural resources and the planet through engaging educational activities, recently named Clarence Pederson, a USD academic adviser, its new chair. Pederson has been involved with the group for about seven years and takes over for Jim Heisinger, […]
Single mothers unappreciated, devalued
I would always joke about how, since my maternal family consists mostly of women, that we were all somehow cursed in our past lives, which is why all the males that do come into our lives are more often than not crappy fathers, husbands or boyfriends. In reality, navigating these personal challenges can be complex […]
Syrian refugees should be treated differently than illegal immigrants
There’s been a tempest of ignorant people in this country that say Syrian refugees should be treated by our government the same way illegal immigrants coming from Mexico and other Central American countries are treated. This is predicated on the idea that refugees and illegal aliens are the same. They aren’t. Legally, they’re very different. […]
USD future educators leaving SD for bordering states
Senior Emily Anderson began student-teaching this semester to fulfill her education degree, and she couldn’t be happier. Anderson is among about 150 USD students student-teaching around the region in order to earn their degrees. Anderson was placed in South Sioux City, Neb., which is 40 miles from Vermillion. “I was lucky enough to have gotten […]
Head-to-head: Drug testing welfare recipients with resonable cause is beneficial, not a waste of state money
South Dakota’s state legislature recently voted against a bill that would require all welfare recipients to pass a drug test in certain situations before receiving public benefits. House Bill 1174, introduced by Rep. Nark Venner, would’ve mandated welfare recipients to pass a drug test based on reasonable cause. While this bill won’t go into effect, […]
Head-to-head: Drug testing welfare recipients a waste of time, unconstitutional, unfair to those in need of welfare
In late January there was a push in Pierre to institute a bill that would require individuals who receive food stamps or cash assistance to pass a drug test before receiving benefits. Such a plan would be a disastrous waste of time and money for several reasons. Legally, it’s unconstitutional. Several court cases have determined […]