Letter to the editor: USD’s move to gender inclusive facilities
Many of you will notice that signage of some bathrooms around campus has changed.
Wherever possible, USD is moving toward a policy of having “gender inclusive facilities” — or GIFs — on campus. These are private, single-stall restrooms that may be used by any person regardless of family status, parental status, gender identity or gender expression.
Basically, they are available for everyone to use. They are identified by signs that simply say ‘all gender restroom’ and do not limit use to a specific gender category.
This change has received incredible support from all levels of the university.
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USD’s administration, the Student Government Association, Student Affairs and the President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusiveness are all supporters and key players in making this change.
Why do we need gender inclusive facilities at USD? There are many reasons for USD to make this change.
As the flagship university for South Dakota, we are privileged to have one of the most diverse student populations in the state and region. Also, we host a tremendous amount of visitors to our campus for meetings, conferences, campus visits and even just to walk around! Because we welcome so many different people, it is important that our community be as inviting as possible.
Having gender inclusive bathrooms provides benefits not just to individuals who are regularly on campus, but also to those who visit our campus, such as:
- parents who otherwise may not be able to accompany their children of a different gender into a gender-specific restroom;
- transgender or gender diverse individuals who may be subject to harassment or violence when using gender-specific restrooms;
- people with disabilities who have an attendant or caregiver of a different gender;
- parents of children with disabilities or adults with aging parents who may have a mental or physical disability; and
- everyone who simply desires the privacy of using a single-stall bathroom.
We are starting this process with a small pilot program focused on 45 bathrooms with higher levels of traffic. You will see new bathroom signs at MUC 170, Wellness Center 201 and 205 and throughout each residence hall.
After this pilot program is complete and we have a chance to hear feedback and suggestions, we will then expand the program and start updating bathroom signs throughout other buildings on campus wherever possible. Our goal is to eventually have as many accessible GIFs on campus as possible.
As a university community, one of the ultimate goals of inclusiveness excellence is to create an environment where all feel safe, comfortable and encouraged to participate in both the educational process and campus life.
Moving toward gender inclusive facilities on campus has a huge effect on reaching this goal. Thank you for making USD an inclusive environment for everyone!
If you have questions or feedback, please contact [email protected]. For more information on USD’s diversity and inclusive excellence policies, please visit us at http://www.usd.edu/diversity-and-inclusiveness.
Travis L. Letellier
President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusiveness