Condoms update: Q&A with John Howe
Condom dispensers were first placed in North Complex last semester.
The Volante asked John Howe, associate dean of student services, about condoms in North Complex, their price and how often they’re replaced.
Devin Martin: How many condoms were used this past semester at North Complex, Burgess/Norton?
John Howe: I don’t know if there was ever an inventory count, to be honest with you. They were filled when they were empty. Sanford Health is our student health partner so I know most recently they have not been filled because there are specific programming going on in the halls with Sanford Heath. They are doing those programs first and then getting them filled then thereafter.
DM: Do you know any more information about those said programs?
JH: I do know that (Cindy Benzel) is working with two PAs from Sanford, and really it’s about sexual health and making good choices.
DM: Do you know the costs to have the condoms in North Complex? Does the university pay for them? Sanford Health?
JH: We’ve always had them provided through Sanford Heath. The cost of the project was the cost of the installation of the condom dispensers themselves. If you have facilities, crew coming in, we’re paying for their time, effort and labor. But even the dispensers themselves were donated.
DM: Who donated the condom dispensers?
JH: I know we got them from Sanford Health. I don’t know where they came from initially. I’ve been to other institutions where they would have a bowl on a desk. It’s quite a public display then to grab. Even some have them on residence floors. I’ve had students tell me before that they used to be kept in the floor of the community kitchen. This is just a way where students if they’re going to make decisions, then they came make decisions that are going to be the most appropriate for them and the most healthy for them.
DM: When are the condoms restocked?
JH: The intent is to refill them. There are programmatic components going on right now with the PAs from a Sanford Heath related to sexual heath. The idea is to restock them. Probably not this semester but at the beginning of the next.
DM: Are there any more possible locations for the condom dispensers?
JH: Not that I know of at this time. It doesn’t mean it is in the realm of possibility. Right now there are not any discussions to move or increase the numbers at this point in time.
DM: If there were to be more condom dispensers around campus, who would be in charge of deciding the location?
JH: There’s a student heath advisory board. I would imagine that would be a component to discuss and to provide recommendations. That’s what got this project going.
DM: When did the concept of condom dispensers arise?
JH: The concept came to play because when the student health advisory board was coming together there were reports for our county and surrounding counties (of) a spike of sexually transmitted diseases. That is what prompted that discussion. It is not to promote sex per say, but to promote sexual health if students are going to have sexual activity we want them to be safe as possible.