People of the Pack: Hadassa Pacheco
Hadassa Pacheco is a graduate student at USD getting her masters in piano performance from Brazil.
Molly Sperlich: Did you do your undergrad at USD?
Hadassa Pacheco: No, I was in Brazil for my undergrad, so I have only been at USD since August.
MS: So, how do you like it so far?
HP: It has been a great experience. I have had some surprises, but I think I am learning and being molded a lot.
MS: What do you hope to do with your major?
HP: For now, I just want to go back to Brazil and teach kids at my studio.
MS: Why did you choose USD?
HP: I got in touch with a professor here and I chose it because of a church.
MS: What do you like to do in Vermillion for fun?
HP: Oh, I don’t have fun. I think I have a lot to do and a lot to study. But, I will meet some friends occasionally. I think I have gone downtown twice. But, I will meet some friends and maybe hang out or just watch a movie.
MS: A lot of students find it hard to stay focused at this time of the school year with the school year wrapping up and the weather getting warm, do you find it hard to stay focused?
HP: I think it happens to everyone. I mean everyone is so tired, so I think everyone struggles.
MS: Do you have any tips on how you like to stay focused?
HP: I just try to remember it’s my obligation. I don’t know, maybe give yourself rewards like if you finish this project, I will take a nap or something small.
MS: What are you going to do in Brazil this summer, will you have a job?
HP: I will probably teach at my studio. In Brazil, it’s not very common to have a summer job. They don’t hire for that, they want long-term employees.
MS: Do you have any siblings?
HP: I have an older brother.
MS: Are you excited to see him this summer?
HP: Yes, I am very excited. I have only talked to him once all year, but we are both doing amazing, so it was good because I really miss him.