Player of the Pack: Derrick Sheppard
Derrick Sheppard is a thrower for the track and field team from Fremont, Nebraska, working for a master’s degree in kinesiology and sport management. Derrick transferred to USD from the University of Sioux Falls this year.
Austin Lammers: What is your pre-throw ritual?
Derrick Sheppard: For shot-put, I like to find the right position in my neck for the shot-put to go. As for spinning, it’s more a feel thing than a number. Sometimes it’s two, sometimes it’s twenty.
AL: Is throwing for USD different than throwing at USF?
DS: It’s a lot more intense here. You’re expected to do a lot more here than at USF. At USF, we only threw three or four times a week. Here, we throw five days a week for an hour to an hour-and-a-half. It’s a lot more minutes and you’re expected to do more outside of practice.
AL: Does throwing involve a lot of arm care? What does it entail?
DS: It’s more body recovery than anything. A lot of rolling out. Ice baths when you get sore. Tylenol is your best friend.
AL: Do you have a preference of hammer or shot-put?
DS: It mainly depends on the day. I like hammer a lot more than shot-put. I started it my freshman year of college and just picked up on it faster and shot-put took the backseat. Hammer is a lot more fun to throw.
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AL: What’s your dream job?
DS: To work at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln either in the ticketing office or marketing or just somewhere in the front office.