SGA discusses nine Senate resolutions, seven pass
Two resolutions were passed unanimously at the Student Government Association meeting on Tuesday evening.
Resolution 13 regarding take-home containers was introduced by Sidney Juffer at last week’s meeting.
Juffer said other universities such as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have already implemented a similar program. USD currently allows students with dietary restrictions to take home meals from the dining hall, but not for other students.
“A lot of students have come to me with concern because they have a night lab or they have class during this time or the timing of it doesn’t work with their job,” Juffer said.
The resolution passed as a recommendation to the dean of students and Aramark to introduce take-home containers in the dining hall for the next school year.
Resolutions 14-19 confronted unfreezing the funds of six student organizations: Biology Club, Coalition of Addiction Students and professionals Pursing Advocacy (CASPPA), Honors Association, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Serve and Veterans Club.
Their accounts had been frozen for failing to attend one SGA meeting during the fall semester. After the organizations attended a meeting, SGA voted to restore the organization’s access to their funding.
Resolution 11 regarding SGA beginning tabling hours was also discussed but sent back to committee.
Josh Sorbe, SGA president, said the conversation shouldn’t be limited to tabling but making sure their office is generally welcoming.
“We all know that we’re readily available from 10-5 Monday through Friday, it’s just making sure that the students know that they can stop in our office whenever,” Sorbe said.
A new resolution was also introduced by a newly sworn-in senator, Faith Ireland.
Resolution 20 recommends the university provides biodegradable straws as a replacement or alternative option to the current plastic straws.
Ireland, a sophomore sustainability major, said students use straws every day, and this would be an option for students to recycle without even knowing it.
“You can’t recycle straws,” Ireland said. “If there’s nothing to recycle, we’ve figured out the issue.”
ICARE, coordinator, Chelsea Simmons, also spoke as a special guest and recommended a memorandum of understanding with SGA.