Siblings make you a better  person
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Siblings make you a better person

Growing up in a full household has definitely shaped me into the individual I am today. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to experience the highs and lows of having siblings.

In my household, there are six children: four girls and two boys. I come in at number five, but I had four sweet years being the youngest before my younger sister, Abbi, ruined that. 

When you have as many siblings as I do, you learn a couple of lessons pretty quick. 

The first is that you have no other option but to share. Food, space, your parent’s attention, toys, vehicles, etc., are not just yours. Secondly, you’re probably not going to get your way on many things. And lastly, you’re not as great as you think you are. 

Only children have the reputation of being spoiled, needy, stubborn, egocentric and not willing to compromise. 

Sometimes these assumptions are true, it just depends on your upbringing. I can attest to the fact that my siblings have taken me down a notch more times than I can count. It helps you grow tough skin and prepares you for a world that is not so nice. Getting ignored makes you resourceful, and you don’t get the opportunity to be spoiled when there are five other kids to worry about. 

From my experience, working with only children is difficult. They aren’t willing to compromise and work with others. I think it’s because they’ve typically had everything go their way growing up. In a professional setting, it doesn’t work like that, so at some point, they’ll have to learn that. 

When you have multiple siblings and you have to coordinate so much with them, you don’t have an option except to be flexible.

I can’t imagine growing up without my five siblings. They are the first to help you develop your social skills; they’re your first friends, your first playmates and sometimes your first enemies. They teach you so many invaluable lessons early on in life. 

I continue to learn so much, especially from my older siblings; I’ve learned from their mistakes and their victories. If you’re an only child you’ve missed out on things like that. 

Your siblings do in fact make you a better person, whether you like to see it that way or not. Only children don’t get the same experience and there’s a reason there are so many stereotypes about them. Be thankful if you grew up with siblings, they helped make you a better you.