Build your personal brand
Over the past six weeks, I have found solace in talking to many people at one time to give life updates on a mass scale. I’m not a nut job, I’m a YouTuber.
Obviously, I would love to call and talk to every single relative and friend, but for me, that would be impossible.
As COVID-19 takes over the United States and we’re all glued to our couches wondering how many more episodes we can watch until Netflix cuts us off, I decided to take this time to build my brand. You should too. I’ve had success with digital platforms in the past and decided creating a personal brand on YouTube was an obtainable goal of mine.
I started a YouTube channel in September of 2019, posted a few random videos if I had the time. Then in January of 2020, I decided producing YouTube videos is something I could see myself doing on a regular basis. I set the date of Spring Break 2020 to be the mark of regular content coming from my channel.
I have now been posting content regularly for the last six weeks, with my vlogs coming out on Tuesdays and my fun videos coming out on Fridays.
YouTube has grown so much over the last ten years and has become a popular platform. Coming from someone who is nowhere near making it yet, “making it” on YouTube isn’t easy and it takes time and dedication.
Whoever you are, whatever field you’re in, building a brand on social media is important. People don’t get to make first impressions like they used to, your social media makes that impression for you.
Get a good support system on your social media, more than friends and family. Social media allows for connections and networking on a larger scale than ever before. Use that to your advantage to connect with a friend of a friend’s cousin who is a big name at a company you’d like to work for someday.
One thing I have instilled in myself that I’ve shown through my social media is a purpose. It’s important to find the reason behind why you’re doing this.
I decided I want my YouTube channel and my social pages to mean something to people. I want everyone who follows me and who I follow to feel like they know me and any one of them could give me a hug.
I know not many people are like that. Even if you want to have a cocky unapproachable personality on your pages, which I don’t recommend, there is a place for that on social media as well.
You don’t have to be a big-time YouTuber or influencer to have a big impact.
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Whether you believe it or not, your pages impact people every day, so make it something you’re proud of.