Wake me up when September ends
Green Day’s song Wake Me Up When September Ends really said it best. That song has never felt more real than it does this year.
Summer is gone, but fall isn’t here yet. We aren’t to midterm yet but tests are starting. A large part of me is just rooting for September to pass by as quickly as every other month has for the last 5 months, yet another part of me still thinks I’m going to wake up tomorrow morning back in March and realize the last 5 months were just a dream that came from the deepest and darkest parts of my twisted imagination.
This month is at its halfway mark and just feels surreal. No on-campus entertainment, no sports and no social gatherings — no thank you. September is usually full of life and excitement, tailgates and game days. I, like many, are really feeling the absence of these college classics.
September also marks the start of seasonal depression for many. According to Hope for Depression Research Foundation, depression affects over 18 million, or one in 10, adults per year.
Now, there are many different kinds of depression, seasonal depression being one of the types. However seasonal depression not only affects the demographic that struggles from seasonal depression, but other types of depression as well.
There are many theories that seasonal depression comes from the lack of light with early sunsets and late sunrises experienced in the fall and winter. I’m sure when the sky starts to turn gray as the smoke from the severe wildfires in multiple states moves this way, that too will play a role in the moods of many.
According to the Crisis Text Line, symptoms of seasonal depression are sleep issues, low energy, difficulty paying attention or focusing, and change in appetite, to name a few. During times when seasonal depression is in effect for those affected it is recommended to try to limit stress, spend time outside in the sun, and force yourself to stay social.
If you or someone you know is struggling with seasonal depression go the extra mile and help them during this extra rough year. This year may be worse than years past but that is why organizations like Crisis Text Line are there, they can be contacted by texting “HOME” to 741741 to get connected with one of their crisis councilors.