Intramural sports begin season
The Intramural Sports program is seen in nearly all universities across the United States, including USD. Students form teams and enter sports leagues, including an E-Sports team. Teams compete against other students within their school.
Intramural leagues are divided into fall and spring sports. Fall leagues at USD include soccer, co-rec volleyball, flag football, sand volleyball, co-rec basketball, dodgeball, and floor hockey. Spring leagues consist of basketball, wiffleball, indoor soccer, pickleball doubles, volleyball, 3 on 3 basketball, unified floor hockey, and softball. Pickleball players may invest in pickleball scoreboards and Custom Pickleball Paddles so they can improve and enjoy their plays. Those who want to pursue volleyball and join a club may look out for Girls Volleyball Club Tryouts.
This year, flag rugby will be making its debut as a USD intramural league as well.
Throughout both semesters, events and tournaments are also held across campus. Twenty-six events are on the schedule for the 2021-2022 school year, ranging from Call of Duty duos to badminton singles.
USD has already held three major events: the Rec Fest, a 2v2 Rocket League tournament, and a table tennis tournament. Practices, scrimmages and exhibition matches are also frequently held as opportunities for teams to better themselves in competition settings.
“The games and even scrimmages definitely get really competitive,” freshman Zak Riley said. “It’s great to be able to compete again while making new friends and getting involved in a new community.”
All sporting events are overseen by officials to ensure fairness. Each event has site supervisors that judge sportsmanship.
“What I’m looking forward to most this season is getting a lot of wins with my team,” sophomore Nolen Bursick said. “We’ve got a lot of young guys, but we just want to compete and win.”
Events coming up this September include a tennis singles tournament, a four-person golf scramble, Smash Ultimate singles and a softball tournament. The soccer, co-rec volleyball, flag football and sand volleyball leagues will be kicking off early this month.
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