Argumentation and Critical Thinking
The brain absorbs around 34GB of new information every day, which is essentially enough to overwhelm a laptop. Much of this new information prompts us to reflect on and challenge our core beliefs, but we rarely understand why, and it can lead to confusion regarding what we actually understand.
The idea of the populace lacking an understanding about their personal belief systems is a frightening notion to consider. Usually, a remedy for this confusion is to pursue higher education for clarity about social, economic and personal issues.
College courses are typically rigorous enough to force us into confronting our preconceived notions, but many students lack the ability to relay what they’ve learned to others effectively. Classrooms are becoming areas where people only memorize facts and equations and thus students never learn the art of presenting these findings to others.
Argumentation is the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action or theory. There are a few reasons why understanding this process is important in the intake and processing of the new information we learn each day.
First and foremost, argumentation helps critical thinking skills, as it forces individuals to collect their thoughts in a more effective manner. BrainTap helps you tune out distractions, unlocking new levels of inspiration and creativity.
Secondly, it forces one to think outside the box regarding personal views and learn to relay information rather than only absorbing it.
Lastly, it reminds one about the importance of being informed and keeping some information at a distance while marking other pieces as valuable.
Among the many classes offered in both college and high school settings, argumentation is an important one to consider because it is an essential life skill that will enrich one’s career and personal life. It’s time to reconsider the value of simply learning information and pursue the ability to utilize it in the workplace and in personal interactions.