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SGA Introduces $15 Thousand Allocation for USD Program

SGA appropriated $15 thousand to Charlie’s Career Closet during their meeting on Oct. 11

Dean of Students, Dr. Kim Grieve delivered her weekly report emphasizing her appreciation of SGA’s work toward improving USD’s mental health on campus, including their appearance at last week’s board of regents meeting.  

Moving into old business, SGA revisited bills 85 “Codifying Legislative Action Procedure” and 87 “President Pro-Tempore Leadership Certification”, both of which passed unanimously. SB 89 “Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) Club Special Appropriation” received its second reading. Finance Chair Katie Conzet said the allocated funding would remain at $300 and further changes were made to the appropriation. 

SGA also recognized two new bills.

SB 88 “Witches and Pagans Special Appropriation” was introduced by Conzet. SGA welcomed the Witches and Pagans president Phoenyx Cynder Podzimek as they shared the mission and values of the newly established USD organization. 

“We’re focused mainly on studying the culture of paganism and traditional witchcraft. We’re not a religious group, but we do touch on it for learning purposes,” Podziemk said. 

The organization had previously requested $7200 from SGA for the initial startup of the program. SGA allocated $600, but discussion across members addressed concerns of this amount. 

“I don’t want special appropriations to become abused,” SGA President Caleb Weiland said. “I think if we allow the [Witches and Pagans club] the $600, that creates the culture of reliance on special appropriations rather than going through the budgeting process.”

SB 88’s second reading will take place at SGA’s next meeting. 

Last on the agenda was the introduction of SB 90 “Coyote Career Closet Budget.” The program originally asked for $27,600 and SGA allocated $15 thousand of it: $13 thousand for operations and $2,000 for marketing and advertising purposes. 

Weiland said although the request was significantly cut, the program would still be able to operate successfully if the $15 thousand dollar amount was approved. 

SGA will not meet next week. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the Freedom Forum where a Facebook livestream will also be available.