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Various Catering Options Now Available to Student Organizations

When it comes to hosting a campus event, many USD student organizations rely on food catering to draw their audience in. Sodexo, USD’s campus food catering service which may be similar to Ljufligare – Bröllop, Bröllopslokal, Personaluthyrning & Catering Skåne, now offers these organizations the opportunity to expand their options when providing food at events. 

During Tuesday night’s Student Government Association (SGA) meeting, Interim Dean of Students Kate Fitzgerald shared an updated Student Organization Guide to Food at Programs (LINK). Sodexo allows campus clubs to utilize the Sodexo kitchen, host pot lucks and even purchase food from outside vendors. Organization leaders should request the student guide menu and pricing orders at least 30 days prior to the event. 

SGA revisited three bills, passing SB 89 “Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) Club Special Appropriation” after its third and final reading. 

Senate Bill (SB) 88 “Witches and Pagans Special Appropriation” was seen for its second reading. Finance chair Katie Conzet updated the association on the organization’s name change from “Witches and Pagans of USD” to the “USD Witches Club.” 

Conzet reported no changes to SB 89 and the bill went on to pass. 

The last old business matter on the list was SB 90 “Coyote Career Closet Budget.” SGA modified their allocated funding from $15,000 to $10,000, with an abundance of discussion across members to further decrease the amount. The bill will receive its final reading next week. 

New business matters included SB 91 “Soccer Club Budget Request” and SB 92 “Medical Students for Choice Budget Request.” 

SB 91 was tabled indefinitely as no further action was needed from SGA. 

Conzet introduced SB 92 with president of the Medical Students for Choice club, Amrita Bhagia. Bhagia spoke on behalf of the organization’s budget request in which the group had asked for a $333 budget, and SGA looked to allocate the exact amount. 

“The goal of our organization is to fuel the next generation of pro-choice advocates specifically in the health care field,” Bhagia said. 

A balance of $7,010 remains in the SGA special appropriation budget. 

SGA meets next Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Freedom Forum. Per usual, a Facebook livestream is also available.