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Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

To our readers, my staff and everyone who has supported my journey,

As I close out my time as Editor-in-Chief (EIC), I can’t help but feel a million different emotions. Most of all, I feel proud and lucky. I am proud and lucky to have met and worked with an incredible group of people throughout the last year. A group of creative, hardworking and flexible individuals who have taken every single one of my crazy visions for The Volante and executed them beautifully. 

We challenged tradition this semester, while a daunting task at first, it ended up being a huge success. I want to thank my staff for welcoming the change with open arms and accepting each road block we ran into throughout the transition from broadsheet paper to tabloid style. I want to thank our advisor Tim Schreiner for jumping in and guiding us through this transitional period and helping me to personally become a better leader and journalist. I want to thank all of our readers for bearing with us and providing us with positive feedback, it made this transition far less scary.

I’ve had some time to reflect on my year as EIC, and it was jam-packed with amazing moments. Some of my favorites have included losing my voice from screaming chants at the D-Days Parade, getting chills as the Coyote-fan filled arena in Wichita erupted at the women’s NCAA Tournament, the many inside jokes and laughs shared and all the friendships I have made both on the sidelines and in the newsroom.

As I look towards the future I am purely excited in every aspect of the word. I am excited to watch the continued success of The Volante and the increased support from readers. I can’t wait to watch my staff remain diligent in fighting for the truth and providing campus with a one-stop shop for all things USD, Vermillion and South Dakota news. I am also elated to embark on a new journey of my own and use all I have learned throughout my time as EIC to be successful in whatever new chapter I begin. 

I want to once again thank everyone who has been a part of my journey with The Volante: my staff, my advisor, our readers and all the outside media personnel I have met along the way. Each and every one of you has had a huge impact on me. I have learned so much about what skills are necessary to be successful in the media industry and without the guidance and support of all those around me, I know I wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun being EIC. 

Thanks for everything,

Sydney Johnson