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Additional Funding Requested for Students Groups at SGA Meeting

Tuesday’s meeting was characterized by requests for additional funding and reports by organizations about upcoming events for students at USD.

Jordan Bonstrum, Director of the Opportunity Center, spoke as the special guest of the evening, inviting SGA to attend a mental health talk given by Darryll Stinson on Feb. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the MUC Ballroom. Stinson is a best-selling author and former Division I athlete.

Marcus Destin, Coordinator for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, gave a report to SGA about upcoming events. Many events will promote Black History Month, such as Africa Night, Ever Wonder Why?, Ruby Ball and Black History Trivia Month.

The Internal Review (IR) Committee addressed the three strike dress code system for members of SGA during meetings. A first offense would result in a verbal warning, a second offense would result in a meeting with the IR committee and a third offense would end with a senate trial.

The Ping Pong Club rescinded its funding application due to the process. Members were encouraged to remain open-minded toward funding new clubs, even ones they may not have a personal interest in.

Applications for Student Government Senate positions are due at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15.

President Caleb Weiland briefly addressed SGA regarding the University Budget Committee and one-time funding requests for various university groups.

Japanese Student Association Co-President Kana Kaneiwa addressed the board for budget increases. Currently, they are appropriated $570 for the 2022-23 fiscal year. She told  SGA that budget increases are necessary because each event costs a few hundred dollars.

President Jackie Munoz and Vice President Zena Aragon of the newly formed Latino and Hispanic Organization also requested additional funding for their group. The will host a Mexican Fiesta in the MUC Pit on March 30 and a Cinco de Mayo event on April 19.