Stuff-A-Buddy: Campus Activities Board Hosts Last Event of the Semester
CAB hosted their final event of the semester, allowing students to get into the Holiday spirit before preparing for finals.
The Stuff-A-Buddy Winter Wonderland event was hosted on December 3rd in the MUC from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. which involved many different activities. While the movie “Elf” was playing, students were able to participate in making crafts, making holiday cards, cookie decorating and drinking hot cocoa.
The organization on campus tries to host events for students frequently throughout each semester. By hosting these events, it gives students the opportunity to experience and create lasting memories. Brook Roozen, the Vice President of CAB, has been involved in CAB for two years.
“There is not a lot to do in Vermillion as a whole. So, being able to stay on-campus and go to a large-scale event where there are a lot of different opportunities. A lot of our international students have never experienced a lot of the different events we have put on so we want to give them a chance to experience that,” Roozen said.
“We are branching it into more of a bigger thing and hope people enjoy the event. I feel like when you come to college everyone needs a little stuffed friend,” Roozen said.
Lauren Bushnell, President of CAB, is excited to be able provide impactful events for students at USD. She wants to give students the opportunity to get to know other students and celebrate the end of the semester.
“It is important to make memories and connections with people. The money we do get, it’s like lets make something for people that want to create better memories. It is all wholesome, which makes my position fun because I want people to experience what I have,” Bushnell said.
CAB wanted to put on a holiday event to celebrate the holiday season and give people the chance to take some time off from their busy schedules.
“We have been trying to have more traditional, staple events. We wanted to do a recharge with CAB which is more of a self care night, right before finals,” Bushnell said.
The organization is currently in the process of planning events for the upcoming spring
“We are currently in the works for a lot of things. We are trying to bring back our casino
night from last year and we will probably do another stuff-a-buddy. We are also trying to do a wellness week as well. I am very excited about it,” Roozen said.
CAB is excited to have been able to have the opportunity to host the Stuff-A-Buddy Winter Wonderland to celebrate the end of the school year and is looking forward to hosting more events in the future.