President Abbott addresses student body at his last Dakota Days pep rally
The Dakota Days pep rally had an impressive showing on Friday night in the Muenster University Center.
Sophomore Sami King said she’s confident in the ability of the high-ranking USD football team.
“I’m excited that we’re sixth in the nation, and I know we’re going to win tomorrow,” she said.
Sophomore Marlee Jones said the pep rally, along with the rest of the week, has built excitement around Saturday’s game.
“They do a good job of getting everyone involved, not just the students but the community as well,” Jones said.
The pep rally included performances by members of the USD pep band, dance team and cheer team, as well as an appearance by the USD mascot, Charlie Coyote.
President James Abbott took center stage at the pep rally one last time.
“We have a great team, we have an enormous amount of spirit, and a sold out game…. let’s show that other team who’s the best!” Abbott said.