Are tattoos still unprofessional?
2 mins read

Are tattoos still unprofessional?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I grew up hearing lectures of how tattoos are simply unacceptable in the workplace.

I think tattoos allow people to express themselves and carry meaning and inspiration with them. Whether they have a “good meaning” behind it or not, as long as it’s not vulgar or inappropriate there isn’t valid reason to look down upon them in the workplace.

However, my parents definitely disagree. They don’t see the point of getting or wanting tattoos; they think they aren’t worth the pain, price or product.

I don’t know if they think this way because of the generational gap or how they were raised, but I do know they threatened to not provide any financial assistance if I were to get a tattoo before I graduated college.

This dominating, condescending view of tattoos has been held by most businesses for years, viewing all tattoos as unprofessional and a reason not to hire someone.

But with the new generations, feelings about tattoos are changing, and they are beginning to become increasingly acceptable in public and the workplace.

California and New York, for example, both have begun viewing tattoos has an extension of freedom of speech, obviously in the appropriate circumstances. Even in the Midwest, tattoos are becoming more commonplace and acceptable.

I think as long as the tattoo in question isn’t offensive, there is no reason to ban someone from the workplace for having one, or for that matter, judge them based upon it.

People view and get tattoos as a form of self-expression, a way to further their freedom of speech or beliefs. And whether they got a tattoo because they just liked it or because it has meaning should be up to them. However, individuals should not have to wonder if having tattoos would affect their ability to find work or experience intimidation at work due to their body art.

Although the idea of tattoos has become more positive in past years, there is still a stigma about them, particularly in lawyer and teaching jobs, that needs to be changed. However, if really needed, one can look into laser removal like this tattoo removal in Cedar Rapids, IA or tattoo removal in Jacksonville, FL.

Just because someone has a tattoo doesn’t mean they will do their job less effectively than someone without them.