Editorial: Let’s wait to give a round of applause to Biden on diversity

President Joe Biden has successfully fulfilled his promise of creating the most diverse White House staff in U.S. history. This is highlighted by the 46th president’s pick for Vice President, Kamala Harris, who is the first women, Black and Asian-American to be Vice President in U.S. history. In addition to this, half of  Biden’s cabinet […]

4 mins read

Editorial: South Dakota’s anti-meth campaign is confusing

South Dakota is on meth.  Governor Kristi Noem launched a very confusing and controversial anti-meth campaign, “Meth: We’re On It” on Monday to bring awareness to the meth epidemic in South Dakota. The campaign will include a TV ad, billboards, posters and a website: onmeth.com. The truth is, the whole thing seems kind of like […]

2 mins read