Xenophobic rhetoric bolsters terrorists
The Statue of Liberty reads: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. When faced with victims of terror and oppression and violence the United States gives care to anyone looking to be safe and escape oppression. We are the great melting pot, after all. Except that’s not how it goes. […]
More candidates in debate better for political process
For individuals to achieve enlightened judgement, they must consider facts and opinions from all sources, regardless of whether or not their statements are true or socially acceptable. We have to hear everyone’s opinions to know what is right and wrong, and to know what we believe in. This theory was presented by 17th century philosopher […]
United States must intervene in Syria
Where there is injustice, any and all steps must be taken to ensure that justice is served. Syria is a place rampant with injustice with President Bashar al-Assad being the perpetrator of crimes against humanity. The fight against Assad has so far been a failure, particularly so after the announcement from the Pentagon that the […]
Birthright citizenship should be ended
Most cliques die off after high school. The citizenship clique, however, is never-ending. This clique creates an identity crisis, and forces certain members of society to be persecuted and marginalized. These marginalized members of second-class society experience an identity crisis, and can never live up to their full potential as members of society. Birthright citizenship […]