Lack of fan retention after halftime clouds first win of the 2013 season
Even as University of South Dakota staff attempted to bolster student attendance at the football home opener versus UC Davis Saturday, President Jim Abbott said he was disappointed with the number of students who left after halftime. “I was really disappointed with that,” Abbott said. Despite the poor attendance, Abbott seemed unwaivered in regards to […]
“Pride on the Prowl” set as Dakota Days theme
The 99th annual Dakota Days Homecoming Celebration will commence Sept. 29 and run through Oct. 5. This year co-chairs Ashley Cook and Amos Meyer looked to more student input for the 2013 theme, deciding on “Pride on the Prowl” as this year’s theme. Coronation co-chairs Courtney Solma and Taylor Vavra are re-surfacing the “Little Miss […]
California-native extends from lab to student health
This September marks the eight-month anniversary since the University of South Dakota became a smoke-free campus, and its first semester abiding by the new policy. A few changes have been made around campus since the new policy took force, including the removal of ash trays. However, one USD faculty member remains unsettled and hopes to […]
A squeeze and a shuffle
Augie Jimenez was not supposed to move into North Complex Aug. 23. He was supposed to be at basic training for the Iowa National Guard. Instead, Jimenez moved into USD housing facilities with more than 1,000 other first-year students as part of the campus’ official move-in day. The total was similar to the number of […]
Wristbands separate tailgaters
A new tailgating experience will be tested cymbalta online no prescription 31 at the first football game against UC Davis. After making the change to Division-I athletics last year, USD officials hoped to change tailgating procedures to create a more traditional setting for a pregame activity for students. Student cars, games and grills […]
Phi Beta Kappa Scholar to speak on campus
VOLANTE STAFF REPORTS Timothy Bromage, professor of biomaterials and biomimetics at New York University, will speak in the Freedom Forum Conference Room in the Al Neuharth Media Center 7:30 p.m. Sept. 5 to discuss “What Cells Will Do For Global Climate Change.” Bromage has been honored for his research by the National Science Foundation and […]
UPDATED: Move-in Day 2013
6:30 p.m. – It was a long day for first-year Megan Christianson; moving boxes, unpacking personal items and orienting herself to a new environment during move-in day 2013. “It was overwhelming at first, but I really like the campus here,” said Christianson, who made the two-hour drive from Newell, Iowa to make her 9:45 a.m. check-in […]
USD employees undergo graded health reviews
Students are not the only ones being evaluated at the University of South Dakota — faculty and staff are receiving report cards of their own. This January university employees were faced with a choice: undergo a graded health evaluation or face an automatic increase in their insurance deductibles — from $500 to $1,000. According to […]
USD to upgrade email system again in 2013
A new email system is set to go into effect at the University of South Dakota this summer. The system upgrade, Microsoft Office 365, will replace the Microsoft Live system implemented last summer. The switch is not optional – Microsoft is requiring all businesses and individuals using its email system to upgrade to Office 365 […]
Housing exceeds capacity
Housing at the University of South Dakota for the 2013-2014 term is projected to hit 101 percent capacity for the second consecutive year. Dean of Students Kimberly Grieve said the incoming first-year class for the fall 2013 semester will be similar to the first-year class of the fall 2012 semester. “We will most likely be […]