Native Student Services prepares for Native American Heritage Month
Indigenous women face murder rates at 10 times the national average. Four of five Native women are affected by violence. Homicide is the third leading cause of death among this population. November is Native American Heritage month, a time of year when Native American heritage and culture are celebrated, this month also sheds light on the issue […]
Haunted House fundraising event scares for a good cause
The halls were dark. Around each corner, a new and frightening character popped out. From seven foot clowns to gloomy cemeteries, Lambda Chi Alpha and Pi Beta Phi’s annual haunted house scared students for two good causes. The Lambda Chi Alpha and Pi Beta Phi’s annual Haunted House is a fundraising event that has been […]
ASA brings African culture to campus
Africa is a continent with a wide variety of fashion, food and people. One student organization wanted to share the culture with the USD community. The African Student Association (ASA) displayed the variety of cultures their group contains throughout the week. Last week was the first installment of African Week for ASA, which usually hosts […]
NSA hosts Dashain, celebrates good over evil
The Nepalese Student Association (NSA) and Indian Student Association celebrated Dashain which is a celebration of good overcoming evil. Dashain is a holiday that spans over 15 days and observes Durga, the goddess of victory, defeating demons and liberating mankind. It’s recognized in Nepal, parts of India and Myanmar. On Sunday they held a campus […]
Spectrum hosts drag show, students perform
Students and professionals will come together to dazzle the community with their gowns and performances Wednesday night. USD Spectrum: Gender and Sexuality Alliance is hosting a professional and amateur drag show on Wednesday to promote the LGBTQ+ community on campus. Carrie Minette, a member of Spectrum and senior computer science major, said the drag show […]
USD faculty perform in Rawlins Piano Trio
Three USD music faculty members will be performing in the Rawlins Piano Trio concert this weekend. The group will have their first concert of the season at the Colton Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. They added their newest member in August and are now prepared for their first performance. Susan Keith Gray, the pianist […]
Theater department modernizes ‘Love’s Labor’s Lost’
Shakespeare in a frat house? The USD theater department has their opening show of the year, and it mixes classical Shakespeare and modern American culture. Tim Pyles, assistant professor said he chose the show Love’s Labor’s Lost because it connects with the college crowd and he feels it’s important for his students to learn. “I […]
Brazilian pianist performs and teaches at USD
Graceful fingers fluttered over black and white keys and toes danced on pedals as her body swayed with the music rising from the piano Monday evening. Cristina Capparelli Gerling, a Brazilian pianist and academic, visited USD to perform and critique students during her stay. As an artist, she has traveled the world to perform and teach […]
University aims to educate students about Sexual Health Month
As September marks Sexual Health Awareness Month, University Housing and Student Health through Sanford Hospital are working to promote awareness for safe sex. University Housing has hosted a number of “Hook Up” presentations for students and is planning more approaches for awareness for the month, and the rest of the academic year. Cody Burgraff, assistant […]
Move-in day 2018: Students arrive on campus
11 a.m. Kimberly Westemberg, first-year business major, has her room completely set up. She said she was surprised how easy move-in day was. “(Move-in day) was really good and mostly easy,” Westemberg said “I knew there was going to be people here to help, but I didn’t know there was going to be this many […]