THE RANT: Dear Reading Public,
Dear Reading Public, Last semester, I wrote to you about how frustrated I was that nothing ever seemed to be happening in Vermillion. I urged you to make some news. “Go out and do something exciting,” I wrote. Knowing what some people consider exciting, however, I added a note of caution: “Don’t … write a […]
In the Know & in the Dark: Feb. 22
IN THE KNOW: Scholarship weekend coming up. It’s a time for the university to start recruiting some bright new minds. IN THE DARK: The looming threat of midterms. There’s really no funny quip for midterms, they’re far too unpleasant. IN THE KNOW: It’s only of couple weeks until Spring Break, a week full of relaxing […]
OVERheard: Feb. 22
“That’s biologically impossible unless I invent a time machine somewhere down the line and go back in time and sleep with your mother for some reason.” – Old Main “You put belly button lint in my hair? Now I’m going to put poop in yours.” -“How is that anywhere near the same?” – NORTH COMPLEX […]
In the Know & in the Dark: 2/15
IN THE KNOW: The victory over South Dakota State University. It can’t get much better than beating the Jacks. IN THE DARK: The return of the snow. It’s like in a horror movie – every time we think you’re dead and gone, you jump back up and rear your ugly head. IN THE KNOW: The […]
THE RANT: To whom it may concern,
To whom it may concern: Whose brilliant idea was it to close the Beede Bump on Saturdays? The Beede Bump, for those who don’t know, is closed on Friday evening at 2 p.m. and then opens up again Sunday evening at 5 p.m. Sunday! I’m not sure what people are thinking. “Oh, there’s no […]
OVERheard: Feb. 15
“Until you sign a contract, you can still pull out.” – North Complex “Hip pop; it’s the music of the elderly.” – Coyote Village “It’s better than sex, Subway and Saturdays combined.” – The Commons “We just need to throw in a Bible and we’re good.” – The Volante Office “Dude, I heard you can […]
The Rant: Dear fellow Coyotes
Dear fellow Coyotes, Tell me – when you apply to a university, there’s a reason, right? Be it sports, academics, location; there’s a reason you chose that college to apply to. Something about that school made you love it. So riddle me this, Coyote fans: Who decided it would be a good idea to wear […]
In the Know & in the Dark: 2/8
IN THE KNOW: Vermillion avoiding the massive snow storm that hit around the area. No one likes snow, at least not that much. IN THE DARK: The Super Bowl commercials. You know when no one is really talking about any the day after the game, it must have been a weak showing. IN THE KNOW: […]
OVERheard: 2/8
“Those who can’t teach, teach gym. Those who can’t teach gym teach gym in Korea.” – Muenster University Center “Is it bad as a fish parent when you lose two “kids” in one day?” -“No. We all need to make sacrifices some times.” – Coyote Village “Is it still public urination if I pee my […]
OVERheard 2/1
“I’m trying, it’s not coming” -“That’s what she said.” – University Street “Everyone likes a dirty OverHeard.” – Al Neuharth Media Center “I can’t use the wiener one?” – THe Volante Office “You want to look at my baby? She’s kind of ugly now” -“Holy crap, that kid creeps me out.” – THe Volante Office […]