Dakotathon — For The Kids

Dakotathon is a fundraising organization which runs year-round. The fundraiser supports families and kids who receive treatment at Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. All of the funds go to local families in South Dakota. At the end of a year of fundraising, there is a 24-hour marathon, which took place on April […]

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Recreational and prescription drugs: How the two are merging

The recent vote to legalize both recreational and medical marijuana in South Dakota has been met with contradictory reactions. Some citizens are satisfied and believe that it’s essential to social advancement, while many others argue that use of marijuana in our state will eventually encourage people to explore other, more intense substances. However, as more […]

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How can we make Vermillion a more eco-friendly place to live on Earth Day?

How can one college student living in Vermillion, South Dakota impact the Earth? On Earth Day —April 22—that may be the daunting question you ask yourself. It seems like everyday news coverage is filled with words flashing ‘climate change,’ ‘fire,’ or ‘the oceans are rising.’ If you’re like us, these problems seem huge, yet what […]

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Death by mosquitoes

Think very hard. What’s the most dangerous animal in the world? It’s not a bear, or snake, or lion. It’s probably the mosquito. This is the tiny annoying bug everyone knows about and is just irritated with. It buzzes around your head and there seems to be thousands of them whenever you go outside in […]

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