Dakotathon — For The Kids
Dakotathon is a fundraising organization which runs year-round. The fundraiser supports families and kids who receive treatment at Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. All of the funds go to local families in South Dakota. At the end of a year of fundraising, there is a 24-hour marathon, which took place on April 17 this year.
Throughout the 24-hour marathon, Miracle Children from the area came to the University of South Dakota’s campus and participated in various activities.
Students have probably seen various activities and decorations in the MUC in this past week, or even seen some participants dancing outside of the MUC. There was a Candyland setup in the MUC pit for a few days. The event is meant to let kids have some time to just have fun and not worry about medical visits or checkups.
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Children had the opportunity to dance, play games, eat a lot of food and so much more.
Last year in 2020 there were over 700 participants in Dakotathon. The group raised over $208,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network. The goal for 2021 was $215,000; however, they were only able to earn $90,960.36.
Dakotathon is also USD’s largest student run philanthropy organization in South Dakota. Staffers say on their website the event would not be able to happen without the support of students, local businesses and the community.
The team who helps run the fundraisers throughout the year have made it their job to make sure everyone has a great time. There are “Dancers” who sign up each year to take part in activities during the 24-hour marathon. Another common phrase within the organization is FTK, or “for the kids.” After all, the event is all for the kids who might need help.
There is always the opportunity for more people to join the project. The events and fundraising happen throughout the entire year and the team at Dakotathon is happy to give people tips for fundraising.