Player of the Pack: Anne Rasmussen
Anne Rasmussen is a junior libero on the volleyball team from Oak Creek, Wisconsin, majoring in kinesiology and sport science. Austin Lammers: What’s the best remedy for court burn? Anne Rasmussen: Being a libero, I definitely get a lot of those, but most of the time it’s just toughing it out. Otherwise, our trainer Jenna […]
People of the Pack: Kelly Kroger
Kelly Kroger is a sophomore elementary special education major from Canton, S.D. Ali Boysen: Did you dress up for Halloween this past weekend? Kelly Kroger: I did not; I had to work. AB: Do you plan on dressing up for Wednesday (Halloween)? KK: I am because we’re doing a costume contest for band, so I’m […]
People of the Pack: Hannah Bullerman
Hannah Bullerman is a first-year business major from Adrian, MN. Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in on campus? Hannah Bullerman: Not a lot. I do intramural basketball and volleyball. SC: Why did you choose those activities in particular? HB: I played basketball and volleyball in high school. It was fun for what I got […]
Player of the Pack: Laurel Ketelhut
Laurel Ketelhut is a junior thrower majoring in media & journalism from Chamberlain, South Dakota. Molly Schiermeyer: What is your favorite part about throwing hammer? Laurel Ketelhut: No matter how good you get at hammer there is always something you can be working on. There is always growth that’s going to happen. MS: How did […]
People of the Pack: Lauren Sissel
Lauren Sissel is a senior criminal justice major from Sioux City, IA. Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in on campus? Lauren Sissel: Not really much, honestly. I drive back and forth from Sioux City every day, so it’s hard to do other stuff. I mostly just take classes and go to outside events. SC: […]
Dakota Days royalty announced
Seniors Sawyer Stevens & Hailey Freidel were named Mr. And Miss Dakota last Saturday in the Dakota Dome at the 104th Dakota Days football game. Stevens is a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha and president of both the Epsilon Zeta chapter of the Order of Omega and Coyote Crazies. He said that the most important […]
People of the Pack: Carlee Mechels
Carlee Mechels is a sophomore elementary education major from Lennox, SD. Sara Cappiello: Why did you choose to go to USD? Carlee Mechels: I chose to go to USD because it was a big college field but close to home. It’s only 45 minutes away so I thought it was a good choice. And they […]
Fourteen Dakota Days royalty finalists announced, students perform musical talents
The 14 finalists for Dakota Days royalty were announced at the Yotes Got Talent event on Sunday evening. Also at the event, six student acts performed their musical talents to kick off the week of Dakota Days celebrations. Riley Ackerman, Josh Anderson, Marcus Ireland, Jacob Meyer, Ezra Voigt, Sawyer Stevens and Noah Thompson were announced as the […]
Player of the Pack: Coral Suarez
Coral Suarez is a senior nursing major and goalkeeper on the soccer team from Thousand Oaks, Calif. Austin Lammers: What’s the one thing you miss most about California? Coral Suarez: I would say the beaches. And the constant 75-80 degree weather. AL: If you weren’t a goalkeeper, what other position would you be most confident […]
People of the Pack: Sydney Novak
Sydney Novak is a first-year health services administration major from Viborg, SD. Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in on campus? Sydney Novak: I’m intramural sports and the honors program. I play volleyball and play flag football. Our team is really bad but it’s fun. SC: What have you enjoyed the most about going to […]