People of the Pack: Lauren Sissel
Lauren Sissel is a senior criminal justice major from Sioux City, IA.
Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in on campus?
Lauren Sissel: Not really much, honestly. I drive back and forth from Sioux City every day, so it’s hard to do other stuff. I mostly just take classes and go to outside events.
SC: What have you enjoyed most about this semester so far?
LS: It’s my last year. I like the content of my classes a lot more than the introductory classes. When I first started school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, but as I explored my class choices, I really liked criminal justice so that’s how I got into that. So I like how everything now is just criminal justice and I don’t have to take the introductory classes because I feel like I didn’t learn that.
SC: Since you’re a senior, what do you want to do after you graduate from USD?
LS: I want to go to law school so I still need to take my LSAT but if I don’t I still want to go to school, so I’ll pursue graduate school and maybe move to a different state.
SC: Why did you choose USD?
LS: The first year I went here, they offered in-state tuition to Iowa students, so it was cheaper. I could really focus on classes and give all my time to school. My friend actually gave me a tour of the campus and I really liked all the stuff that’s offered here. I came from a community college, and they didn’t offer a variety of classes and when I came here I was exposed to so many other things like criminal justice.
SC: What do you think about Vince Staples coming to Vermillion for the student concert?
LS: I didn’t know who he was. I looked up the one song I thought I heard one time. Maybe he’ll be good, I’m not sure. I went to Macklemore last year and I really liked that. It was a lot of fun.
SC: What are you planning on doing for Halloween?
LS: My birthday is the day after Halloween, so I love dressing up. I go all out every year. I’m kind of stuck on what I want to be.