How to survive dorm life
Dorm living can be a challenge for a variety of reasons. Dorms tend to be loud, and full of enthusiastic people prone to staying up until the wee hours of the morning. Dorm rooms are also smaller than most people are used to. So here are some tips to surviving dorm living. Bring some homey […]
Hidden Vermillion: Places off the beaten path to visit
Burbank Beach Burbank Beach is an incredible beach. It is a rare South Dakotan beach with high quality sand, not rocks. To get to Burbank Beach, take Cherry Street east to Crawford Road and then take a right and head south. Take Crawford Road to Burbank Road and then turn left and head east again. […]
Construction to be done by end of summer
The exterior shape of the performance enhancement complex expansion to the DakotaDome should be in place by the time students return to campus in August. Project Manager Lorin Wilcox said much of the exterior work to the building will be completed over the summer when most students aren’t on campus. “The arena exterior walls will […]
A female’s perspective on dating
Dating is confusing. Let’s just start there. As a female, it’s even more confusing. Let’s say you hang out with a guy and watch a movie. Later that night, you think about the hang out over and over in your head. You really like him and are so excited. buy lexapro online https://healingtohappy.com/wp-content/languages/new/over/lexapro.html no prescription […]
Tips on how to cope with a roommate
One of the trickiest parts of the college experience is the roommate. Most people have never lived in the same room as another person before and the transition can be a huge adjustment for some. Roommates don’t seem overly tricky, and they aren’t always, but here are some tips as to how to cope with […]
Mayor Powell points out local attractions
Welcome to Vermillion, SD! Vermillion is honored to have the opportunity to welcome you to our fine city as you live among us during your years as a student of the University of South Dakota! As a former student and member of the USD faculty, I can assure you that the time you spend here […]
Managing college stress
Between paying for books, meeting new friends and keeping up on homework, it can be difficult to remember to stay mentally and physically healthy. Here are a few tips to manage college stress. Take advantage of the Student Counseling Center. It’s located inside of the Cook House near the Arts and Sciences Building. The center […]
Surviving your first semester
Move in day has finally arrived, you are finally moved in to your dorm, have slightly conversed with your roommate, and your parents have gone home. Now what? You are finally alone on campus with your class schedule and a weekend full of events before the semester begins. My first piece of advice? Attend all […]
Q&A with director of transitions and programming Lindsay Sparks
Braley Dodson: You are the director of transitions and programming. What does that entail? Sparks: I tell people jokingly I’m the director of fun. Between myself and Doug Wagner, our assistant director, and our GAs and our students, we’re making sure everyone is having fun, whatever that might mean. We’re working together to make sure […]
Vermillion’s diverse music scene grows
Vermillion is a small college town with basically two bars that have live music, but that doesn’t stop its music scene from being lively and diverse. The styles go from punk, indie, metal, rap and acoustic folk all merging to create a welcoming community for music lovers. Local bars such as Maya Janes and The Varsity […]