Students stay healthy with discounted rates
It’s the beginning of the school year and you’re stressed. It’s your first time away from home, you’re still adjusting to your student schedule, and you’ve moved from your comfortable room at home to a dorm room shared with a roommate. Among the things to stress about you suddenly wake up one morning with a […]
Student fee increase approved by Board of Regents
The South Dakota Board of Regents approved a General Activity Fee fund increase for the University of South Dakota in April. The increase will start at $4.50 per credit hour and increase in amount for three years until it caps at $13.50 per credit hour. Only the $4.50 has been approved, because SDBOR can only make decisions one […]
CAB in midst of booking entertainment
Big things may be coming to the University of South Dakota. Campus Activities Board President Eric Roach won’t say what “big event” the university might have in the fall, but that it would happen during Dakota Days. Roach would not confirm if the event would be a concert. “It’s really in its infancy,” Roach said. “When […]
Cooking in the dorms
Going from living with your parents for the last 18 years to living on your own can be a very exciting transition but it also comes with one major downfall: the end of unlimited groceries. Your dorm room is your new home and your new home definitely doesn’t have as much room and space as […]
Finding your first-year niche takes patience
My first year at the University of South Dakota was great and awful simultaneously — like most worthwhile experiences. I came to USD knowing absolutely no one. I was seven hours away from home, and at the time, couldn’t be happier about it. That changed pretty quickly. I was in a long distance relationship, didn’t […]
Abbott: USD cherishes newcomers
One of the best parts of my job as president of the University of South Dakota is welcoming new students and their families to our campus. It’s a privilege for all of us at USD to embrace the newcomers, get to know them, mentor them in and out of the classroom, laugh with them, cry […]
Senior makes memories
“I don’t want to think about it,” has been my go-to response for some time now. As each milestone of my time as an undergraduate at the University of South Dakota comes and goes, I can’t help but reflect back on these past four years. Since starting school, I have grown immensely; my mindset has […]
First-year’s guide to car maintenance
Cars need to be serviced by auto repair professionals every so often to keep them in good shape. However, the mindful and intermittent attention of their owners will also go a long way in maintaining your vehicle. Things like checking and changing the oil, keeping tires properly inflated, and fluids levels at their required levels […]
Coordinate to make dorm decorating memorable
One of the best parts of going to college is getting a place to live and making it your own. Like your room back home, you will be there for studying, sleeping and hanging out, but for nine months, so why not make it comfortable? Before you start planning everything you’ll be bringing keep in mind […]
Students budget money while attending college
Some students are excited to leave their hometown after graduating high school to get away from family or to have a fresh start, but junior Ali Stonebraker was excited to leave her hometown so she would stop spending her money. She knows all too well what it’s like to struggle to keep money in the bank. […]