Senior makes memories
“I don’t want to think about it,” has been my go-to response for some time now. As each milestone of my time as an undergraduate at the University of South Dakota comes and goes, I can’t help but reflect back on these past four years.
Since starting school, I have grown immensely; my mindset has completely changed, I am more confident in and aware of my strengths as well as my weaknesses and I am moving towards the person I want to be, which is exactly what is supposed to happen in college.
With the days speedily dwindling down until I officially become an alum, my emotions are so sporadic. I’m equally sad about what what I’m leaving behind and ecstatic about the future, with each emotion taking its turn to be at the forefront.
As it would be with any substantial passing of time, there are parts of my time at college I wish would’ve happened differently, but there are a number of things I most definitely don’t regret.
All of those late nights; a student’s life is always busy. Even though you’ve had ample time to finish that assignment or study for that test, sometimes there’s just no getting around staying up until 4 a.m. As long as you didn’t rush through it and tried hard, does it exactly matter what time it got finished? Its even better if you had a procrastinator buddy with you to share that pot of coffee and giggle at absolute nonsense.
Taking time off from schoolwork; no one should have to say to go to class and try your best — that should be a given. But some of the best memories come from the nights when you step away from next week’s test and take a break. Yes, we are students and doing well is extremely important, but there is one thing worth putting the books away for — life and making those memories you’ll tell your kids about some day.
Going out, even if it is only Wednesday; as every college student will tell you, this time is one of the most challenging period’s of our lives. Grab your friends, go downtown and unwind. Whether you’re drinking Coke or something a bit heavier, it’s nice to get off campus, talk about something other than classes and meet new people.
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Whether your idea of out on the town is going downtown for a few drinks with friends, going to a movie or just gathering all your friends together, have some fun and recharge from all the stress.
Bottom line is don’t put life off until tomorrow. In five, 10 or even 20 years, you aren’t going to look back and remember that test you took or project you spent hours slaving over. Be sure to take school seriously, but don’t let it consume your life. Enjoy your time here because it really is over before you know it.