Editorial: Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday of the Year

Thanksgiving is almost here: pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, what’s not to love? Thanksgiving is not only about eating copious amounts of food that would be considered seriously unhealthy on a regular basis, but is about spending time with family and friends. President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863. This may […]

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Editorial: Be an Informed Voter at the Polls

   Yesterday marked election day for some parts of the country. Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi held statewide elections for governor, executive offices and the state legislature. Most other states held local municipal elections for races such, as school board and city council.     While we didn’t have any elections in Vermillion yesterday, the country […]

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Editorial: How Old is Too Old for Halloween

Halloween approaches fast, just in time for some potential snow as the last vestiges of warm weather disappear. Downtown Vermillion will host a trick-or-treat for kids in the afternoon, but what about us? Are we too old to celebrate Halloween?  To answer this question, we need to understand the history of Halloween. Many believe Halloween’s […]

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Editorial: ChatGPT Hurts Our Writing Skills

The Volante staff aims to highlight the power of artificial intelligence (AI) generated content by using ChatGPT to write this week’s editorial on why using AI negatively impacts an individual’s writing capabilities.  Relying solely on AI for writing comes with a set of limitations and concerns that should give pause to those considering it as […]

3 mins read

Editorial: Combat Suicide with Meaning

September marks National Suicide Awareness month since its inception 15 years ago. Mental health has continued to make an impact on not only certain groups but entire generations. Mental health arguably ranks as one of the most important issues for Gen-Z. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lists South Dakota as having the fifth-highest suicide […]

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