Seasonal Parking System for Vermillion Residence 

On Oct. 27, the city of Vermillion released a statement about the seasonal parking measures that are now being enforced.  The odd-even parking restrictions will be between north and south streets between Clark and Main, which include Harvard, Yale, University, Willow and Pine, and it will also include streets east and west of Dakota and […]

2 mins read

SGA encourages syllabus bank, discusses parking

Student Government Association passed Senate Resolution 10 and introduced Senate Resolution 12 and Senate Bill 69. Several organizations also reported to SGA. Senate Resolution 10 encourages the Faculty Senate, the faculty representative body for the university, to support a syllabus bank. Senator Caleb Weiland, the chair of Government Affairs, introduced the bill. “This is just […]

3 mins read

City Hall holds open house for Downtown Streetscape project

City Hall held a public open house Jan. 21, about Vermillion’s Downtown Streetscape project. The Downtown Streetscape project is primarily on Main Street from the Market Street intersection to Dakota Street. The projected estimated costs for the Downtown Streetscape is $3.97 million. David Locke is the Project Manager and Landscape Architect. Landscape projects as good […]

4 mins read