University Senate makes plans to involve students
The Student Government Association and University Senate have initiated efforts to increase communication between the two organizations.
The University Senate is a predominately elected faculty-led organization, with two student positions filled by SGA President Alissa VanMeeteran and Vice PresidentDJ Smith. SGA is entirely comprised of elected students.
The University Senate plans to send a senator to a SGA meeting once a month, present the SGA with their minutes and take note of trends in student interests.
“It is a University Senate, not a faculty senate,” University Senate Secretary Brennan Jordan said.
The initiative is the guarantee that both groups have continued access to each other and to have a representative to answer questions about senate activity.
The Nov. 6 meeting also revolved around possibly placing changing tables in the downstairs bathrooms in the Muenster University Center and deciding on a dedication date for the student memorial, which will most likely occur during the week following Thanksgiving Day.