BLOG: Normalcy, sweet normalcy
I did it!
Last Friday, Feb. 1, I got my first haircut since August. But more importantly, I have “perfected” the pixie grow-out process and avoided Stage 5: “The creepy-as-all-hell, Javier Bardem (as Anton Chigurh) Bowl Cut!”
Hello, Stage 6: “Normalcy, sweet normalcy” — the final stage:
You’ve made it! Congratulations! At this point, the hair has grown into a simple, yet, awesomely normal bob. There’s no more need for shaping, just trims. From here on out, just let your hair grow to the desired length, and style as you please! You’ve survived a pixie grow-out. At least until you get the urge to cut it all off again.
As part of the grow-out process, this first shaping haircut basically meant cutting my hair to a uniform length. The result: A simple bob that hangs just below my ears (check out the before and after photos). Even though I did lose about two inches of my precious locks to get to this stage, it’s OK because I know that those two inches were taken from my mullet’s party going on in the back. On the plus side, now I’ve got about three whole months to just let me my mane grow to just-above-shoulder-length in time for spring commencement.
The only downside to the haircut was the removal of my mullet — the source of warmth that allowed me to not wear scarves in this frigid South Dakota winter, but that’s an easy fix.
I am not really sure what to talk about in future blogs, nobody wants to hear about the rate at which my hair is growing out through May.
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That’s just boring, but I’ll think of something.