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Sony, Microsoft game consoles face off

Nov. 22, 2005, Microsoft launched the Xbox 360 and eight years later, Sony and Microsoft are butting heads again in the next generation of video games. It’s going to be an explosive winter season for the gaming industry.

The Xbox One is Microsoft’s newest console. The marketing idea is to have an “all-in one” media hub in the living room. Users can access Netflix, the NFL and TwitchTV with ease. The Xbox One will also have the Kinect 2.0 shipped with every console. The idea is that the Kinect will spice up the user experience. Microsoft is trying to win over the family audience this time around. The Xbox One’s price is sitting at $500.

Keep in mind Microsoft has been on damage control since this last summer. The Xbox One originally had a lot of anti-consumer policies such as 24-hour check-ups on Internet connection, the Kinect always being on and lending games to friends being next to impossible. Since then, Microsoft did a complete 180 on their policies and it actually looks reasonable for consumers. Only time will tell if they decide to go back on some of their ideas during the summer.

Sony’s Playstation 4 brings different toys to the table. Sony is focusing on game developers specifically in this generation. This should sharpen the developer’s intent and tools available to make the games that they want. This is especially helpful for the indie developer crowd, who get no support from publishers. Also, the PS4 has superior tech specifications compared to the Xbox One. Sony is pitching their console to game developers and seasoned gamers who may have recently visited platforms such as that csgo trade site. Lastly, the PS4 is sitting at a competitive $400.

The hype for the Playstation 4 was ridiculous. Sony was raised to the status of a deity over the summer. They made a lot of mistakes with their PS3 launch, such as developers having trouble making games, overconfidence during their press releases and costing $600 at launch. Sony is looking at this next generation of gaming with fresh eyes.

The launch and future titles for both of these consoles are a factor for early adopters. Some of the exclusive titles for the Xbox One include “Ryse: Son of Rome” and “Dead Rising 3,” and “TitanFall” will be coming out later in 2014. “TitanFall” is a first-person shooter developed by ex-Infinity Ward members. For those who don’t know, Infinity Ward is the company that created the “Call of Duty” franchise. “TitanFall” is gearing up to be a smash hit in the next generation of games.

The Playstation 4’s exclusive lineup includes “Knack” and “Killzone: Shadow Fall.” Notably, some of Sony’s star developers such as Naughty Dog don’t have anything right away for the PS4. They are the masterminds behind the “Uncharted” franchise and “The Last of Us.” Sony also has a deep list of Japanese developers they could pull from in the future.

The game missing from both lists is Ubisoft’s “Watch Dogs.” “Watch Dogs” was supposed to be the definition of the “next-gen” game. It is an open-world stealth game that centers on hacking technology to complete objectives. Ubisoft decided the need to the delay the game until spring of 2014. Critics felt that the overwhelming success of “Grand Theft Auto V” is one of the reasons why Ubisoft delayed.

This is the first time Microsoft and Sony are releasing consoles back to back. We can really see who is pulling ahead once the winter season starts. It is the perfect time for this to be happening because this is the cold console war.

Reach columnist Charlie Dalldorf at [email protected]