2 mins read

HEAD TO HEAD: Students discuss the reasons why chivalry is dead in relationships (Katie McGuire)

Equality vs. chivalry

Back in the old days, men would court women by asking them on a date, take them to dinner and get them home at a respectable time to please the parents. While times have definitely changed, I think this concept should still be practiced today for the same reasons it was then, to build a relationship.

For the other side of this head to head, click here.

Although I do not think a guy should have to go ask permission from my parents to date me, I think that I should be asked out on a “date” not, “hang out and watch a movie… or something.”

One can find countless variations of the same debate on social media (like USD Confessions): Who should ask who on a date? Who should pay? While the argument for equality is clear, I do not necessarily agree with this being the cause. Men of the University of South Dakota, I’ll let you in on a little secret: most women are just like you. We have no idea if a guy likes us and most likely won’t take the risk of asking first because, well, rejection isn’t the best feeling in the world.

According to The Daily Beast, a recent survey suggests that women may be part of the problem:

“Women are actually the one’s performing  ‘gentlemanly’  behaviors.” Giving up seats for the elderly or expecting mothers were among the many observations. This goes along with the idea of equality, that the society we live in now is one where women are changing. While I definitely agree with this statement, I do not believe this is why chivalry is dead.

While women have become more independent, men seemed to have regressed. The article also suggests that nowadays, their “act of kindness will be taken the wrong way or send the wrong signal.” This in turn accounts for the whole, “women only go for bad boys” concept.

Like I said, I am not saying a man has to drive to my home town, ask my parents if he can take me on a date, and then ask me to dinner. However it says a lot about a man who takes the time to get to know you and then ask you out, it shows he respects and is attracted to more than just the girl’s looks. The idea of chivalry is to show the girl respect and kindness because the guy will have a better chance and be respected back.

Follow Katie McGuire on Twitter @katieMGee