“Another Eternity” the perfect album to dance to
Purity Ring’s latest album, “Another Eternity,” is a pop album that comes across loud and clear.
Although the album doesn’t deliver a new sound, the tracks do have the main components, such as powerful synthesizers and catchy vocal samples and loops, to make the listener want to dance. The album is 35 minutes long with 10 tracks and was released in February.
The track “Repetition” includes vocal loops that are fun to sing along to. They’re simple, but they give the song character.
“Another Eternity’s” concept seems cliche since it is not in the realm of anything new. Take a first glance at the cover and the title gives the listener the incentive to be prepared to listen to gorgeous songs that remind you of your favorite dreams. The cover shows a girl in the air floating on her back in a light lavender background. Above her is a big round orb with the texture of a newly discovered planet.
However, when the rapid snare beats come in, the song reminds me of something I once made off of GarageBand.
The album is still easy to dance to and possesses interesting beats to explore for new moves.
“Purity Ring” delivers vibes of a rave at a beach on a rainy, gloomy midsummer day. It’s subjective to describe another eternity through music.
Those that prefer songs that are melodic and overwhelmed with reverberation might not favor this album. This album is perfect, though, for those who are looking for something to dance to.