BLOG: MTV Music Awards ‘a boring and ultimately annoying waste of time’
One of my favorite past times in college is gathering with friends to watch various award shows throughout the year while sharing a pizza on a dull Sunday night.
We make our predictions, argue if the winner deserved the award or not and live-tweet the shocking moments of each show.
While funny at first, it seems like award shows, such as the MTV Music Awards, try harder every year to shock their audiences.
I no longer watch the MTV Music Awards because it’s no longer about the music and rewarding the artists, but rather who can get away with saying or doing something outrageous, and what cat fights come from that. I thought I left high school?
First, let’s discuss this year’s host, Miley Cyrus.
I don’t necessarily favor or follow pop music, but I imagine she was asked to host the show for reasons beyond her musical contributions.
Deep down, I feel she was chosen to surprise the audience with another controversial, near-nudity show she puts on with her outlandish outfits.
This is not the kind of award show I want to watch, and I ultimately chose not to.
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, ‘Why is she writing about something she didn’t event watch?’
The answer is simple – I didn’t watch it because of the drama and overplayed shocking moments that came from the show. That isn’t what awards are supposed to be about.
MTV has been bending over backwards to please its audience with a “wow factor” just to get them to watch its daytime programming. It’s also a ploy to increase viewership and advertising.
I’ve been turned away from the shock value and the overall entertainment of the award show, and it’s become a boring and ultimately annoying waste of time.