Celebrity ignorance frequently ignored
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Celebrity ignorance frequently ignored

There is a certain arrogance and pride a lot of celebrities have which makes them feel like they can say what the want, whenever they want.

For instance, some celebrities have been known to share their feelings about how they are homophobic, racist, sexist or any other terrible “ist,” and most of the time they get away with saying such things because they’re famous.

For example, a popular Korean hip-hop group, BTS, has had a recent controversy following their leader, Rap Monster. He allegedly made comments toward two members of his group making fun of their dark skin.

This outraged people, mostly from black or Hispanic fans, because making fun of someone’s skin tone is obviously not OK.

Still, Rap Monster is loved and appreciated because he is part of this successful K-pop group and is a great rapper. Soon, the entire controversy will be blown over even though he not only disrespected an entire group of people, but two of his own members.

I cannot forgive instances such as this one. Despite Rap Monster also being very passionate about music, sticking up for the LGBTQ+ community or even addressing sexism in the entertainment industry, what he said about darker skin does not make him a good person.

For someone being influenced a lot by Western, African-American music, he presumably would have considered how racist and ignorant he sounded.

Being half black, and also having dark skin, it was also extremely offensive seeing someone who has no knowledge of being discriminated against for their skin color blatantly make fun of dark skin.

Ellie Goulding was also under fire for wearing a Native American headdress and posting a picture to Instagram.

Many within the Internet community were angry and said she was appropriating the Native American culture by wearing the headdress, which is more symbolic than wearing for “fun.”

Goulding responded to the comments, seemingly defending herself, but then was inspired to donate to a charity fund for Native Americans.

I can’t say that it was exactly her learning from her mistakes, per se, but she did indeed try and show a little remorse by donating, instead of ignoring the fact that she offended people.

But since she’s a celebrity, it may have just been swept under the rug again, as she didn’t exactly make an official apology and she’s still an international sensation today.

Celebrities are here to entertain and set an example, to be spokespeople advocating for people to follow dreams and inspiration, but when they pull stunts such as these I just can’t see them as anything but ignorant.