National Music Museum a hidden gem at USD
The National Music Museum is one of the only museums in the world dedicated to musical instruments and musical history. The museum, which is located on the USD campus, is home to 15,000 musical items from around the world, ranging from the world’s oldest cello to one of the guitars that Elvis Presley had used.
The museum is currently all located in one building, however manager of communications Patricia Bonhofen said that they are currently fundraising to add on to attach the museum building to the South Dakota Union, which is currently next to it. Bonhofen said they want to build a glass atrium that would connect the two buildings along with a café that would be inside it.
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The project is estimated to cost around $17 million dollars and Bonhofen said that she hopes the work will be done within three to four years.
“We have this wonderful, historic building now,” Bonhofen said. “But we want something that really shows off the collection at the level that it deserves.